Mind Farming

Your mind is the field. Your thoughts are the seeds.

If you don't have a harvest, you've been sowing the weeds.

When I was discharged from the hospital with the diagnosis of severe depression with suicidal tendencies, I had to wait two weeks before I could go and see a therapist/counselor. That period of time forced me to reach out to God in a way I never had before. I was constantly adjusting and re-adjusting to a "new normal" day after day as I hung onto my sanity moment-by-moment. Literally. I would be reading something that God led me to read or a sermon/teaching and I would fall out of my chair and hit my knees as ardently protected pain and anguish deep within my soul was being exposed by the light of God's glory (shekinah).

From that time, God has been revealing the weeds in my harvest field (aka the depths of my soul). I amassed a great number of weeds over the years. It's odd how we tend to think things will just go away on their own ... if we just ignore it. One day, we wake up and discover here is a ten acre plot of land that looks like the bush of Africa -- and it's our mind. Whether we knew to and were just too lazy, or we simply did not know we need to pull the weeds (deal with our issues), that's beside the point. We know this: the weeds must go!

What are the weeds? The weeds are the "baggage" we collect over the years. The soul wounds. But this Revelation is not about the weeds, it's about the field. The harvest field. More exactly, we need to know what type of soil comprises your field. Are you compromising your relationship with God with a secret sin? Are you thinking His grace is sufficient for you in that He forgives you when you sin, but you have been taking His grace for granted? Repent! If you are deliberately sinning, you are giving the devil a legal right to attack you. More specifically, he will attack you in the way you have been sinning. Think about that: if you have been using drugs, Satan will attack your nervous system/mind. If you have not honored God by giving at least a tithe, but you will watch movies or TV shows that glorify sin with that money instead, Satan will attack your finances. Overeating (gluttony) is one very popular addiction. And how about pornography? You'd better believe Satan will attack you through sexual sins. Why do so many men suffer from E.D.? You got it.

Philippians 4:8 (NIV)

8 "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."

What you actually do reveals your harvest field's soil. If you daily reach out to God in intimate prayer, repent for every sin the Holy Spirit reveals, read your Bible so the Word becomes alive and becomes a part of you, and start living the life God has called you to live even on those days you just don't feel like it. That's called living in faith.

Hey, if I could get through ministry school with a few hours of sleep a night, fighting depression and anxiety attacks on an hourly basis while taking anti-depressants and doing all our outreaches and assignments, you can achieve victory, too.

John 14:1 (NIV)

14 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.


Father God, I ask You to reveal all that is within me that would cause me to sin against You. Shine Your glory light into the deepest recesses of my soul. Grant me the discernment to know what is a weed and what is the harvest. Impart the strength I need to accomplish Your will. Help me to be the person You made me to be. Thank You, Lord, for what You are about to do. In Jesus' mighty name, amen.