Satisfaction Can Be Found

If you will search for it with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. So, what does that mean? It means it does exist. It is possible because with God all things are possible. The tricky part of it is this: what are you willing to give up in order to have it?

Obviously, most people have heard the Rollings Stones song about how Mick can't get none, but he wasn't speaking from a Christian point of view. As humans, we can usually derive some sort of satisfaction from things like a job well done, a delicious meal that hits the spot, or watching our children succeed. However, there is a deep longing inside us all -- a longing to know God and to be able to maintain an intimate relationship with Him. That very lack has been at the root of depression since Adam and Eve were excommunicated from the Garden of Eden. Those who have made worldly sacrifices in putting God first in their lives discover that there really is no sacrificial loss because we always get something better in the exchange. 

You will have to sacrifice something of your life in order to gain what you're actually, deep down, in your heart of hearts, truly looking for. That means making the same types of hard decisions I have had to make. Things like how to spend your time, how to take care of your body, what to watch and read, and how to eat better. All these things contribute to a better you, but the number one thing you will have to change is how you look at other people. You can no longer see them as opponents, but as your fellow man, woman, and child. You will need to have God give you a new pair of eyes, so to speak. Ones that will no longer be the cracked (or broken) lenses with which you have taken in the images of the outside world. The internal damage you have accumulated over the years will now have to go and be replaced with the real you, the true you. Those memories that have kept you trapped in mental anguish and imprisoned by fear need to be replaced by new memories of daily victories as you walk with Jesus, your Defender and King. 

Once you dare to look deep inside your soul, you will quickly notice how limitless and vast is the expanse of your mind. Do you know why? Because God has set eternity in the hearts and minds of all people! This is the very time in your life where you need to expand on your understanding of who Jesus truly is to and for you. It's not so much about you discovering yourself, but dying to yourself daily. Giving up your preconceived ideas and notions of the world and God and allow Him to reveal Himself to you so you can grow in His likeness -- we were made in His image, you know. The greatest levels of satisfaction come when we are granted entry into Heaven. However, God's presence with us, His Holy Spirit, is the guarantee of that which is to come. In other words, satisfaction is attainable here on Earth, even if for short bursts of time. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! It is IN YOUR HAND! Now fight the urge to quit or to wallow in your miseries and pray that God's will be done in your life, your heart, your family, and the world. Partner with Jesus so He can take up your battles and bring you to victory! 

Go for it! Ask, seek, and knock!


Dear Lord God, I choose today to ask for Heaven to be revealed to me. I choose to seek Your face; please reveal Yourself to me. I knock on the gate of Heaven with my praises. Hear my words of gratitude, Lord! Hear my groans of deep longing for You! I have mistaken some of my feelings as things to be run away from, but I choose today to stand and fight! Even when I think I have no energy to fight, You fight for me. Thank You, Lord for your faithfulness to me! Help me deal with the pain and anguish of disappointments and help me understand what I must do to stop taking silly losses. Guide me by Your Word and right hand of righteousness. In Jesus' name, amen.  

* Thank You to Christiana Rivers for the use of her photograph. (