I've been going through some morality challenges lately. When things in your life don't follow what you would assume are good and moral lines of righteousness, how do you react? How do you handle it? Joseph was wrongly imprisoned for many years, Moses was continually harassed by the people he was leading, David was continually harassed by Saul, and Jesus was continually harassed by the Pharisees and Sadducees. That is, until God was satisfied with what was accomplished inside the person ... and inside those around each of them.
“Sometimes people don’t receive God’s grace/gifts because they haven’t let go of what’s in their hand! How can you receive something if your hand is already full?”
It's so very important that we do not remain hurt or embittered by these people who hurt us (or we've hurt ourselves) and transfer the pain to others and justify it with a casual verbalizing of, "Hurt people hurt people." How many times have you seen, heard, or said, "Let it go," or "Let go and let God"? It's far easier to say than do, huh? Yep. I struggle with the lack of morality in and around me and I know you do, too. It's so easy just to blend in with the crowd and act like you're okay because that's just the way things are, but that's not what God has for you. God is NOT trying to hurt/punish you for your mistakes (sins). The devil may be doing that, but never blame God for what the devil is doing. Not only that, but if you're still blaming God for the shortcomings and pain in your life, know for sure that you do not know Him very well. God has no intentions to harm you, but He wants to bless you. Never forget: Jesus took OUR sickness and infirmities upon Himself. If He's going to sacrifice His one and only life in a human body for US, why would He turn around and force us to deal with them?
“The devil cannot attack you unless he has a legal right. ”
Read Job chapters 1 and 2 if you do not understand that satan needs permission to attack us. Our sins give him legal rights to attack us. If we hold onto sins and do not repent of them, we are HOLDING ON, not letting go. That means if we do not truly repent and stop doing the sins that got us into trouble, we are in a state of continually giving the devil (satan) the legal right to attack us. Have you been under demonic attack? If you're reading this, of course you have. You know the feelings and you know the sleepless nights. You know the crushing pain of mental anguish, the physical pain of injuries, and the tears and snot that soak the carpet as you cry out to God to take something from you. You can keep asking Him to take it for the rest of your life and nothing will happen OR you can let it go and give it to Him. Let ... it ... go!
God gave me a powerful revelation about healing. I was in the middle of some aching pain in my body and I asked Him, "Why am I still dealing with the pain from injuries of years gone by when I should be healed by the blood of Jesus?" He said, "You're holding onto it. You have chosen to keep it. Let it go!" Your sicknesses and infirmities all belong to Jesus anyway! You are holding onto what legally belongs to Him! In other words, we sin when we hold onto what belongs to Jesus.
Let ... them ... all ...GO!
My Lord and my God! I choose to let go and repent of the sins of ____________. I confess I have been holding onto what belongs to Jesus. I apologize for holding onto grudges (and not just the grudge, but for the act of begrudging) and for holding onto my injuries. My Lord, please help me release to You these things that You redeemed from my life and never pick them back up; especially when the devil tries to convince me my redemption and healing has not happened. Help me grow so firmly into love with You that I want nothing but Your most intimate friendship and Your will to be done on Earth. I want to be a loving person just like You. Guide me through each and every part of the process of spiritual maturation and mental renewing with the grace I need -- and help me give others this same grace! In Jesus' precious name, amen.
* Thank you to fanpop.com for the use of the Elsa image. http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/frozen/images/36874687/title/go-go-photo