Are you misunderstood? What if you really are misunderstood? What if you just needed to be more clear in your understanding of who you see yourself to be? Are you simply waiting for your opportunity to reveal yourself to the world, but think you need ignition? What if you are the catalyst? Hmm.
What if you really don't know who you are, so you can't properly and constructively communicate that to others because you simply do not know? What if you had been forced to play the flute by people around you when God actually made you to be a kick butt drummer? There's a deep-seated groaning within you for release from a kind of bondage, but you just cannot sum it up in words. I know this well. I lived with this groaning for 40-plus years. If you aren't doing what God made you for, how could you be truly happy? Really. How?
“The world says we lose ourselves in our masks, but the truth is that we have never discovered our true self, so many people adopt one that best represents the person they want to be. ”
Sometimes we just aren't in our true circle of friends. Sometimes, we just aren't in our true group of friends because we have no idea of who we are and we seek revelation/affirmation in others who seem to be most like we project ourselves to be instead of the One who wants to love us and affirm us in Him. You see, from the Bible passage, Jesus was publicly affirmed by His Father before He was sent to the wilderness. We will only succeed in standing for what is right when we understand and fully accept that we are loved and accepted by God and know the Word of God. (You will notice how Jesus responded to the devil in each of the three temptations with the Word -- all out of the book of Deuteronomy.) Jesus KNEW He was the Son of God. He KNEW He was the Son of Man (Messiah). He didn't depend on people to affirm Him.
“But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for He knew all people. He did not need any testimony about mankind, for He knew what was in each person.”
Are you entrusting yourself to others? Are you trusting what people say about you more than you do what God says about you? There's your source of confusion! The answers to our existence resides only in the God who made us. Expecting/hoping others will fulfill us/give us what we truly need is not only a great and awesome source of disappointment, but is reflective of the very rebellion (sin nature) Jesus came to free us from! What God says about us is always true! Is it that way with people?
You see, most of the time we misunderstand who we really are. Teenagers are known for this: they blame their parents or guardians or whomever is around for their personal plight. However, the confusion lies in the mind, body, soul, and spirit of a broken person in need of a clear identity and a Savior. That's the number one reason lost and confused teenagers go off the reservation when they go to college -- they accept advice from spiritually blind, secular professors who take advantage of their authority as a license to pollute young and vulnerable minds with evolutionary nonsense and demonic philosophies. How important it is to know who you are; who God made you to be.
If you are lost in the wilderness of self-worth and false identity, seek Jesus -- the One who was out there for 40 days and knows your pain and loneliness. Let Him guide you out of that desert experience and into the place He made you to occupy .. that is why it's called an occupation.
Father God of all Creation, I thank You that You are a kind and caring Person. You are faithful even when I am not. How is it that You do not treat me as my actions deserve, but You seek every opportunity to love on me and bless me? Thank you so very much! Let me know who I am and what Your will is for me. I ask that You would show me the things, and people, in my life that have to go and help me to know what to say and do. I have lacked the confidence to do such a thing, so I ask that You would empower me to accomplish not just this purging of my life, but this transaction of revelation and affirmation I have been dying to realize in all phases of my life. I love You, Lord and I look to You for the answers, direction, and strength to do what I need to do as I walk with You for the rest of my days. Let's do it, My Lord! In Jesus' name, amen!
Many thanks to for the cool photo!