Joe Montana or Tom Brady? Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant? Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi? Wayne Gretzky or Mario Lemieux? The greenness of my grass or my neighbor's? The size of my bank account or Joe Schmo's? Lamborghini or Ferrari? Who's the hottest man or woman alive? And on and on it goes -- where it stops nobody knows. I just know God wants it to stop.
How much time, talent, treasure, and energy has been wasted due to the comparing of yourself to somebody else? Comparison is a major joy robber. How could you ever be happy if you're thinking of yourself as less-than others? Do you think in ideals of 'have' and 'have-not'? You're comparing.
“Comparing yourself to others is evil. ”
I never thought about comparison like that until it really hit me as I wrote the quote. Even as Holy Spirit said that to me, I was under the impression that comparing myself to others was a 'normal' part of the life of a human being. Oh, it is a normal part. But it isn't a Godly part.
Jesus calls us be transformed by the renewing of our minds; to holiness. There is no holiness in comparison. You might wonder, 'Isn't it good to compare items I need to purchase to determine which one is better?' I'm not talking about that, but, yes, that requires discernment. However, these are things that do not directly impact the spiritual condition of human beings.
Lucifer compared himself to God and wanted to usurp God's throne because he was filled with pride. He wound up gathering 1/3 of the angels in Heaven to war against God and the 2/3 of the angels. That didn't work out and God cast them out of Heaven and they currently live in the atmosphere and on Earth (yes, with us) and will do so until Armageddon.
One way to consider if something is evil is to ask the question, "What does it produce in my life?" God said to 'be fruitful and multiply,' so He expects us to produce something Godly -- of benefit to humanity and Heaven's purposes. Comparing ourselves to others reproduces feelings of insecurity. Re-produces. That means our insecurities actually produce* personal affirmations of our present state of insecurity. "As a man thinks, therefore he is."
“We are either sowing seeds of evil or seeds of righteousness. What are you sowing?”
Comparing ourselves to others produces insecurity, lust, envy, greed, and jealousy and, even anger and hatred. Are any of these feelings beneficial, healthy, or Godly? We can easily witness in ourselves and others the degradation of humanity in the produce of such wickedness. No matter how harsh this revelation may seem to you now, it is abundantly clear that these things are not Godly nor do they produce Godliness in us. Godly seeds beget Godly produce. Evil seeds beget evil produce. "You will know a tree by its fruit."
Comparison is best understood as if we were to place everything on a pyramidal continuum.
Satan (Lucifer became Satan when he lost his identity and position in Heaven) established this hierarchy on Earth so as to create a kingdom for himself and to place himself at the top, and now wants to rule our hearts so as to usurp God's rightful place. If Satan failed in heaven, he's going to try here on Earth. Satan loves when people compare! If Satan can get you to compare yourself with others, he can get you to be discouraged, distrust trustworthy people, stop reaching out to others, give up, and even pull the plug.
However, God has created us all male and female and EQUAL in value. Jesus died for the sins of ALL humanity. He doesn't pick and choose who He wants to live and who will die, but wants everyone to live forever with Him in Heaven. He gives all people equal opportunity to get to know Him and His saving grace+.
So, since we're all equal in the eyes of God, what could our motivation be for thinking we are less in value than anybody else?
Father God, You are the only One who assigns value to us. Please forgive me for not viewing all people as equal to me or for the times when I felt I was not as good as others. I realize now that if I simply focus on who You have made me to be and instead of on who I am not, I will gain greater freedom from depression. I ask that You would reveal any and all places in my heart where I have bought into the lie that people have different value because of who they are, what they possess, and where they live and work. Please forgive me for entertaining demonic thoughts about my life and value and reveal the thoughts You want me to have. In Jesus' holy name I pray, amen!
* Because we are a creative being.
+ Yes, even the people around the world who have never heard the name of Jesus can come to know who He is through their own, personal seeking of God with their whole heart.
Many thanks to for the use of the great doge meme and to for the great pyramid picture!
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