Pot Bound

I think a good way to describe the life of a person suffering from depression is being "pot bound". Like this African Violet, depression keeps a person from growing to their potential. A plant can only grow not only to the size of it's pot/container, but in direct proportion to its soil and amount of water and sunlight it receives. If a plant remains outdoors, it is the responsibility of God to bring the sunlight and rain, but if the plant is brought indoors, it is now the responsibility of the gardener to ensure the plant has appropriate sunlight and water. 

AfricanViolet PotBound.jpg

God intended for plants to remain outdoors or He would have built a greenhouse when He made the first plants. He intended mankind to remain free. He intended plants to live optimally outdoors. You might also notice that certain plants only do well in certain climates. Palm trees don't live in Siberia, though they thrive in tropical climates. It is critically important that we place ourselves in the middle of God's perfect will

The devil, Satan, desires to keep people bound with depression, unforgiveness, anxiety, fear, bitterness, anger and hatred, comforting themselves with the thoughts of killing those who have hurt them, and even with the thoughts of killing themselves because they just want to rid themselves of the yucky feeling the waves of shame and guilt sin pours over a person. I was reading an allegorical book and the author was describing these "waves" as spiritual vultures (demons) spewing vomit on the person who was attempting to grow in Christ and advance his position as he scaled a mountain. 

Believe me, when I read that, and re-read it, this truth became apparent to me: mankind is in a serious spiritual battle and I'm not going to allow that "vulture" of guilt and self-hatred to vomit on me anymore. I threw down the gauntlet and used the name and blood of Jesus to bind, cast out, and send those demons back to the pit of Hell until the end of time! I also filled the demons' places in my soul with the Holy Spirit by asking Him to fill the place that demon vacated. I got major freedom that day and you can, too! As a believer, you can simply do exactly what I did and gain some spiritual freedom!

God created a nation in a day (Israel) and He can decimate a nation in a day (also Israel). He can set you free in a day, too. Do you believe this to be true? God never intended we be bound by the enemy at all, but free to live the life He made us to live. Don't accept things as they are anymore! Expect more from God and press into Him by worshiping and reading your Bible everyday.

Many thanks to Jared Erondu for the use of this beautiful photo! 

Many thanks to Jared Erondu for the use of this beautiful photo! 

Imagine standing under a waterfall like Niagara Falls. You would be drenched to the maximum possibility a human being could handle. That's what it's like worshiping God with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength as well as living in the middle of God's perfect will. It's awesome, glorious, refreshing, and you just want to see how long you can remain in Him. The longer you remain in Him, the less time you will have to remain "pot bound". 

Refuse to be "pot bound" any longer!


Almighty God, I present myself to You for correction, humbling, and conformity to Your perfect will. I thank You for all You have done for me to this point and I'm excited to see where You will take me next. I know You do not want me to remain spiritually "pot bound" as You have not made me to succumb to the wiles of the devil, but to follow You all the days of my life. I choose freedom, my Lord. I choose You over pain, anguish, and depression. I want to be free to do all You have designed me to accomplish. Pour out Your Spirit on me like a glorious waterfall, my Lord and my God. I await Your presence. Free me and bathe me with Your love and joy. Reveal anything and everything that would cause me to not receive joy today. In Jesus' holy name I pray, amen.

Many thanks to Hưng Nguyễn Việt for the use of the beautiful photograph from Vietnam and to the anonymous person who took the African Violet photo, as well.