I Am Who I Am

A man born in slavery, adopted by the Pharaoh's daughter (aka princess) was raised as a prince of Egypt, became a murderer, escaped from Egypt, and became shepherd with a Middle Eastern tribe called Midian. On the lam, he had no idea what to do because he was outside the will of God. But all that was about to change when he turned aside to see a strange sight -- a seemingly random bush ... on fire, no less. 

Moses' next adventure was just beginning, but he had no idea what he was getting himself into or who was orchestrating the opportunity. Shepherding is a demanding job at times, but shepherding a herd of sheep versus millions of former slaves? He chose to put his shepherding of sheep aside so he could receive his new job: shepherding people - with one complicating issue - they are millions of slaves within one of the greatest and most powerful nations in human history. The very slaves who helped build some of the greatest, most well-known idolatry in the world. 

Moses was to lead them into their destiny. Their destiny appears to be impossible to the point of beyond human consideration. “With God, alll things are possible.” Hallelujah that God considers things we cannot because He can do ALL things! What a mighty God we serve!

Moses became one of the greatest leaders in the history of the world because he did the one thing God created him to do. It would take an incredible act of free will on Moses' part. He would have to humble himself to lead these people even more than he did to shepherd sheep. To pull this off, God cannot simply be Moses' "Employer", but his very best Friend. 

God revealed Himself to Moses in a way He had not to anyone previously, even Abraham. Abraham fell into a deep sleep while God completed the covenant walk, so he did not eyewitness the fiery torch and smoking censer of our invisible God revealing His global positioning with two everyday items. God revealed Himself to his covenant partner, Abraham, as Elohim, God our Creator by speech and even by individual, triune Presence in chapter 18. Even after such intimate contact with God in this life, Abraham died and was taken to a place in the spirit realm often termed "Abraham's Bosom" but as a man never knew God as I AM WHO I AM. 

God revealed His Name, the Hashem, the name that is above every name -- YHWH. Just looking at the Tetragrammaton, you might not be moved/inspired. However, in the spirit, this NAME, which translates in one way to I AM WHO I AM, this glorious and omnipotent Name strikes the greatest love, joy, and peace in your heart if you are blessed enough to be a friend, but, conversely, this one Name strikes intense fear and loathing in the heart of those who are so careless about their lives so as to be His enemies. Knowing this truth, it boggles my mind to see how mankind can have such an ungodly representation on the Earth. The reason? Most people have no rational relationship with their own true person -- their own soul. Actually, most people seem to do everything in their power to avoid this most important relationship for as long as they can, then wake up one day when the crap hits the fan and realize their great and awesome desperate requirement for a spiritual connection with their own soul and the One Spirit who supports and governs all things. Abraham and Moses realized their poverty of soul when they were first contacted by God. God revealed His desire to fill their empty souls. They allowed Him to fill their souls, sometimes one drip at a time, but our God is so humble that He does not care how rapidly He fills us, He's just happy to oblige in any way we allow. Intimate relationships are not easy for most people, but it's what God desires most and is the most fulfilling part of our lives. 

I'd like for you to go to a mirror right now and look into your eyes and seek your soul. It's there. You'll see it if you truly want. I'll wait. 

As have you, I've noticed many mind-boggling things about humanity. Some people tattoo their bodies top to bottom, eat glass, swallow swords, take illicit drugs, hurt or kill others, and perform various rituals, doing these things in a vain effort to placate their minds or appease whatever seen/unseen forces are in their lives. “They will do these things because they have not known the Father or me,” Jesus said in John 16:3. You cannot hit a target you cannot see. Why meander through life as if there weren't a path already available? The greatest adventure you will ever undertake is the one God has laid out for you. 

As I awoke this morning (4 AM), I started thinking about my life as I was praying. I do that a lot, as I'm sure you do. But God had a purpose in waking me up 40 minutes ago just as He has a clearly defined purpose for everything He says and does. The only thing missing was my prayer that enticed Him to give me His answer. Ask and you shall receive. Prayer is a Key to the Kingdom. Why? Because God loves to communicate with us. We just need to always be available. 

Photo by Dawn Armfield on Unsplash

Photo by Dawn Armfield on Unsplash

Welcome back. What did you see? Did you see your soul? Did you receive a revelation? You are who you are. If you're like me, you would fix a few things about yourself right now. However, You are who you are right now. Accept yourself where you are right now because you're not going to remain stuck there. Plus, if you'd ever wished you were somebody else, please stop. They are not you and you are not them. You are who you are just as certainly as God Almighty is the Great I AM WHO I AM. Our Heavenly Father, the Great I AM, will help you change. Everything that is not in alignment with His perfect will for your life must now go. If you had never sinned, you would be the very best you possible. No matter how yucky you feel today, know there is, indeed, a spark of divinity inside you waiting to burst out of you and help you make things right. 

There was a day when I stared into my eyes, like you just did, and blurted out, "I am who I am," not thinking of God's Name, but simply arriving at the ultimate conclusion of what I had just perceived in myself. I've heard it said that we all possess a "spark of divinity". Once you allow yourself to see it, to perceive it, you will never again perceive yourself as if you don't matter. 

The secret to faith is in knowing the outcome before something happens. We live or die based on our revelations. We need a constant flow of Godly revelations in order to flow with Holy Spirit. Sometimes you just have to believe in order to see because seeing is not always believing. God wants us to know Him, to feel Him, to perceive Him, and one gloriously awesome day, to see Him face-to-face -- as did Moses.*


Lord God, You are the Great I AM! I am alive because You, the Great I AM, has brought me to life and has sustained me according to Your Word. You are free to reveal Yourself to me at any time. I open my soul to You, my Lord. I ask that You would forgive me for wanting to be/be like/act like somebody else.

I apologize, Lord, for trying to act and talk like _____. I confess this was not Your plan for my life and I repent of, renounce, and reject it all. Show me the right way to live and help me to know You more every single day. 

You are my God and I am Your child, Your prince/princess in Your Kingdom. You are the Great King, my Father. You are more than I have ever thought You are and far greater than the universe You made could hold -- You cannot be contained or slowed when You are at work in a willing and open soul and world. I pray the world opens their hearts to you so you can do mighty works off glorious love, joy, and peace. We all desperately need You! I need You. As the song says, every hour I need You. Fill me, drip, by drip, with Your Spirit, Lord, but I want ALL of You! Bring me the freedom and joy I so need in my times of demonic attack and anguish of soul as well as the times of enjoying my new normal. Bring about the best possible situations so I can grow in You daily. In Jesus' Holy Name, amen!

* People all over Judea saw Jesus face-to-face, but that was His human face, not His glorified face. 

Banner photo kudos to Traolach Conboy via Unsplash.