Character is what God desires of us far more than personality. Personality-driven people trend toward manipulative traits and actions while people of character trend toward compassion and gentleness as they stand on the truth of God’s Word. One measure of Godly character is integrity.
I was looking at the cloud shapes and sizes one day and noticed how easy it is to see shapes of things within the clouds. Clouds take on various shapes, sizes, and colors, and never lose their true identity — they are simply clouds. It’s not so easy with us. Many people wander through life trying to figure out who they are and, tragically, never make the discovery! I venture to guess that they have avoided certain options because of the demands such lifestyles/career choices would be a radical departure from the life they are hoping to lead. At some point, a decision must be made and there is evidently a large percentage of such people who settle into a life as close to that as they are willing to work to get to and they give up their dreams for “good enough.” Do you know anyone who has done this?
One major phase of human life is the adventure of gaining, retaining, and maintaining consciousness of what God made us to be, what He says about us, our purposes, traits, and personalities and so discover that inner-space, yet Heaven-connected place of peace with God. Some people won’t even understand what I just wrote let alone the fact that it isn’t merely possible, but that God wants it for us. Jesus’ greatest accomplishment is that He made Heaven available to us ALL!
One of the greatest challenges within the minds of thinkers, philosophers, and analysts of all walks of life is how to discover — and focus on — what’s truly important. If you can listen to the discernment of Holy Spirit and remain focused on His moment-to-moment guidance, you will experience continuous personal/spiritual growth — which is exactly what God wants for us all. (“Remain in me and I will remain in you.”) You see how Jesus placed the onus on us to partner with Him as His greatest desire is to continuously manifest His presence with us so we may always enjoy His company.
That ‘always’ statement is a direct reference to the idyllic truth of the wisdom and presence of God. One character trait of our God is integrity. No matter when we come into conscious contact with God, He is always the same and He wants us to be like Him. If we are to be His children, then He wants us to exhibit traits in us just as humans have children that look and act like their parents. To be clear, everyone has been made in the image of God, but not everyone is a child of God. There are two sides to a coin just as there are only two sides to the Great Spiritual War.
Ever since Adam and Eve sinned, this Great Spiritual War has spilled out onto all humanity. Daily, we find ourselves in battles within the Great Spiritual War requiring we fight for one side or the other. Everything in some way, shape, and form belongs to one side or the other. We know there are challenges in this life and there is a very real enemy (Satan) who wants to steal, kill, and destroy everything God does and creates. Depression is a battle within the war.
Yes, it’s a challenge to have consistency of character when we are simply trying to manage the moment. However, inside those moments reside a magnanimous opportunity to let go of managing your symptoms, pain, regrets, insecurities, anxieties, and fears, and dig deep within ourselves and discover that deep well of power God placed there. This is why the apostle Paul wrote …
“... we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.”
We have to retrain our brains to focus on the right thing(s) and take our focus off the wrong things. There is no way you will ‘glory in your sufferings’ if you stay restricted by your rational/logical mind. You must connect with your spirit in prayer so you can focus on the benefit of what you’re going through as you come to grips with the truth that God will turn all things around for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purposes. These purposes will always take place in our lives when we legitimately seek His will and sacrifice ours. That’s what it means to carry your cross daily.
How do we win our daily battles and contribute to victory for the Kingdom of Heaven? The way Jesus fought for us was to surrender His life to Father God’s purposes (The Great Commission), make disciples, take up His cross, and daily declare the truth wherever He went.
“Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it. ”
In other words. Jesus didn’t fight at all. He could have simply annihilated the people who opposed Him, wiping out thousands and thousands of people He created. The fact that He SURRENDERED to His Father’s desire meant that we must, as well. The answer to the question of “How do I gain victory over depression,” is in your surrender to God’s will/purposes for your life. The number one reason people have depression is because they are not fulfilling God’s purposes for their lives.
If you have been struggling, trying to make people happy while making yourself miserable, it’s time to unify yourself in Jesus and allow Him to purify you and prune you and bring you into the psych ward of Heaven. Allow Him to reveal who you truly are and His purposes for you so you can stop trying to be someone else.
Godly character includes integrity. We display integrity when we are always the same person no matter if everyone’s watching or if it’s just you and God. It is an intentional moment-by-moment making of decisions to maintain our relationship with Jesus. Even when it seems things are falling apart, like Job, you will discover God’s faithfulness to you as you honor Jesus by remaining faithful to Him.
Father God, I have experienced many ups and downs in my life and I’m asking You to help me get my life straightened out. I thank You for the breakthroughs I have already received and enjoy. I deeply appreciate what You have done and I look forward to continuous victories in my personal battles. I need a breakthrough in my character and I realize I need to make some hard decisions with how I am going to act around other people. I know I cannot be one person with one group and try to act like I have it together with another. I choose, today, to honor You which will bring honor to me because I know what I sow I will reap! I have suffered losses that I have not dealt with and I need Your help to get through these regrets and disappointments so I can fully display the Godly character You want me to display. Help me, Lord Jesus, to be a source of hope and joy and peace even as You are in the process of healing me and setting me free from the things that cause me to have none of them. I know You are able to do more than I can ask or imagine, Father God, so I ask this because You want me to thrive in life. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen!
Banner photo by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash