Acts 24:16 (NIV)
16 "So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man."
What's fascinating to me is that many people live with a polluted conscience. A conscience every bit as polluted as the Ganges River.
Bad memories, bitterness, demonic activity, lies, and unforgiveness pollutes the waters of our minds. We have tried to live with these pollutants as if they did not cause interference in our souls. It is such interference that it prevents us from hearing or seeing God at work in our lives. When we fail to recognize the fact that God is at work in our lives, we may erroneously conclude that we are the ones in control. Lies are like garbage in our souls and the longer they remain uninterrupted and uncorrected, they serve to perpetuate the buildup of additional supporting lies that serve to protect the autonomous mind from humbling oneself to Yahweh God. That's what got Lucifer/Satan all twisted up (and kicked out of Heaven): wanting to be God. Sinful man perpetuates Satan's sin through autonomous inner consciousness that leads one to believe the lie that we can be our own center of the universe; our own god.
Is your soul like this page's banner or more like the one above?
What happened to the mind God created in us all? The human mind has been subjected to lies from the enemy for millennia. Everyone, at some time, has accepted lies and assembled teachers around them who tickle their ears and deceive them because they are spiritually unhealthy and collect garbage the enemy, Satan, would have them treasure. This 'garbage' is the very same sort of lies the devil has sprung on mankind ever since Adam and Eve, beginning with the infamous, "Has God really said..." all the way to the most heinous lie ever told: "God's not real."
In minds rebellious toward God, morality is as subjective and situational as what to eat for lunch. If people do not live with an absolute moral compass, they will be tossed by every wave that floats them on the open seas until they are taken under -- which has been the devil's plan all along. When people reject the truth, they are rejecting Jesus Christ Himself.
““I am the way, the truth, and the life.
There is no way to the Father but through me.”
—Jesus Christ (John 14:6 NIV)”
So, you see, the truth is not a thing, but the Truth is a Person: Jesus. If you fully believe and accept and live out the Truth, you will live with an absolute moral compass, your life will become more and more lived as the surfer in the above photo: he's riding the waves as opposed to being taken under by them. How is that? Because your moral compass is the Holy Spirit guiding you even when you have no idea where you're going and what you're doing. If you trust in God, then you will see God do great things in your life simply because you're giving Him room to move.
But how to get rid of the lies? Ask God to reveal the lies you have been believing and ask Him to reveal the corresponding truth that is diametrically opposed to them and memorize Scripture that He gives you. You will be amazed at how, day by day, by trusting in God, and being guided by Holy Spirit, you will gain enough truth so you will be wise. You will gain enough wisdom so you will possess understanding. You will gain enough understanding so you will possess insight into how God operates. You will gain enough insight, and start living out, God's plans for your life, you will possess the joy of the Lord -- and that is your strength.
Nehemiah 8:10 (NIV)
10 Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
And one day, you will find you no longer need medications or a psychiatrist.
As a Swedish friend of mine likes to say, "Hal-le-lu-jah!"
Lord God, I'm coming to You not just because I need Your help, but because I want to say, 'Thank You for all You've done and what You're about to do in my life.' I realize my prayers are prophetic and, since they are, I declare I will possess the mind of Christ and I declare freedom from depression for myself and for all depressed people around the world. I choose not to remain a victim of lies, but I ask that You would reveal the lies I have believed and guide me into all truth. I thank You, Father God for remaining faithful to me even in the times when I have failed to be faithful to You. Love never fails because You are love and You cannot fail. I am so glad I can be a part of what You want to accomplish in the world You created. Help me do better every day. In Jesus' awesome name, amen!