Why are so many people so afraid to commit to anything? Believe me, I'm not a fan of cell phone contracts (leases), either, but I'm talking about spiritual matters.
The #1 reason why people are averse to making commitments is because they are afraid things won't work out. We've all been hurt by others, yet Jesus calls us to love our neighbor as ourselves. You may have heard about J.O.Y. -- Jesus, Others, You. The only problem with that is this: You are putting others between you and Jesus. That must never happen. The most important relationship you can ever have is with God Himself. The way that Christian-ism should be is J.Y.O..
These people are looking at the whole instead of their part of that relationship. If you're only looking at the flaws and not the benefits, you have missed the point of being in the relationship. If God wants you and a person (or group) to be in relationship, you must remain in it until He releases you from it. He will always bless you for your faithfulness.
“I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you.”
Lord God does not favor people, but He will have mercy on whom He will have mercy and He will have compassion on whom He will have compassion. There is no secret combination to unlocking blessings from God as if He were a combination lock or some secret coin to releasing gumballs like a gumball machine. There is no special methodology of gaining His favor or compassion. His ways are pure toward us and He is a good, good Father; as the song goes. If you’re trying to do things to gain God’s favor, that’s called “religion” and God is not religious, but relational. Religiosity is manipulation and God will not stand for it and you may need to repent of it.
We are to be our brother's keeper (be relational) ... even if you don't feel like it and you think the other person doesn't deserve it. We are commanded to be one another’s defender, helper, and keeper. When we do this for everyone else, we are bringing heaven down to Earth. Isn’t that the cry of your heart? If not, check yourself. It should be! Jesus said, in the Lord’s Prayer, and we have also prayed, “Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.” How might we do that if we aren’t seeking to bless others as we want to be blessed?
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Father God is fully committed to us, Jesus’ Bride. Jesus created a blood covenant so we could escape the meal covenant with the devil — the meal covenant everyone who has rejected Jesus remains in. There is no other way to Father God except through Jesus because Jesus is the only One who did what must be done to free us from the meal covenant. Remember what Adam and Eve did when they ate of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? That’s it. They bound their progeny (that’s all their descendants, aka mankind … us) into a meal covenant with the devil. There is no philosophy or religion or meditative lifestyle or position in life or accomplishment that can free you from this covenant. Nothing but the Blood of Jesus can set you free.
That’s why we must be as committed to Jesus as He is to us. We are in a Blood Covenant. How awesome is it to reap the benefits of Jesus’ most wonderful sacrifice simply by FAITH?! It would make sense if we were to go through the cutting process to make a covenant with God like Abraham did, but we enter — and remain — in covenant via our faithful constant agreement to honor our Covenant Partner as He graces us. (By the way, we need His help to honor Him as He deserves.)
Pure grace from the heart of God is what saves us from our sins—the grace that saves us by God’s goodness! Jesus did EVERYTHING He could do for us to come to Him. There is nothing more He must do. It is up to us to make the decision and remain faithful as we remain in Him and He in us. Hallelujah!
In many parts of the world, people have committed themselves to blood covenants and have called each other “Blood Brothers.” This is the highest level of commitment between two people the world possesses. (If you are emotionally strong enough, please read this awesome, short book on the Blood Covenant by E.W. Kenyon. It will blow your mind to truly discover what Jesus has done for us!)
God has committed Himself to you to the point where He came to Earth, lived a sinless life of love, grace, and power and laid down His life to form a blood covenant so humanity could come to the Father through Him. That's what makes Jesus the ONLY WAY to Father God.
You want to know the mind-blowing part of that truth? Now, in Jesus, Father God has a way to a relationship with mankind THROUGH US, as well! That's why we must committed to our neighbors and be "our brother's keeper" -- because it is God working in and through us to fulfill His purposes! Hallelujah!
Make the commitment toward God so you won't be double-minded. Decide today whom you will follow. Much fear (panic attacks and anxiety) and many depressive tendencies will wane as you commit yourself to God once and for all! Don’t be tossed by the wind and the waves of sin and doubt and insecurity. Commit your whole life to God and leave your whole self in His more than capable hands. How well have your hands done so far? Let Him take His rightful place on the throne of your heart.
Father God of all Creation, I submit myself and all I have to You. I am sorry I have not been as committed to You as You deserve. Please help me make that transition from being in charge of my life to letting You have Your way in me and through me. I ask that You would bless me as I need to be blessed and help me to see the good in all people and situations. I ask that You would not just help me get out of this bondage, but others who have been suffering with depression as well. I accept the fact that You have a plan for my life that I have not tapped into and I ask that You would employ me in Your perfect will as of now. Thank You, Lord, for Your continuous love and support as I endure these hardships that will eventually lead me to freedom and, most importantly, a deeply intimate relationship with You. In Jesus’ righteous name I pray, amen!
Special thanks to BBC.com for the use of the photo.