
Anger Turned Inward

I've heard it said, "Depression is anger turned inward."

If you are reading this, you may be dealing with anger, deep frustration with life, or a boiling lava of hatred of self or others. Have you ever experienced chest pains or a racing and pounding heart (that's not accompanied by happiness)? How about light-headedness or tingling in your arms or restless legs? Do you throw chairs, pound holes in walls, or drink yourself to oblivion? If left unchecked, anger will eventually manifest in ways we cannot control.

Do you have thoughts of harming others (or yourself) and have made plans to carry out these things? Please take this opportunity -- right now -- to call on God and ask Him to help you with these feelings. If you are experiencing anxiety from reading this, know for sure this is an issue for you. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. God wants to help you. You just need to let Him.

Hatred is a spiritual stronghold rooted in moments when you have been disrespected, devalued, or emotionally or physically harmed. When you have been emotionally/physically abused, you may have picked up some demons. Actually, more demons enter people during abuse than any other times. Yes, demons are real. Demons attack soul wounds like flies on festered sores. You may be dealing with demonic activity and did not realize it. To find out if this is the case, go to God in prayer and simply ask God to reveal the source(s) of your hatred. Remain open to all He has to reveal to you. You may feel like hitting something, so take some time to vent your anger. Pound on a sofa cushion, yell into a pillow, or take a run. Holding onto anger is a major problem with many people around the world. It's of utmost importance we eliminate (not simply manage) our negative emotions.

Toward the end of a particular session with my counselor, I was advised to purchase a heavy bag so I could vent my frustrations and rage. (I guess she thought it might be a good idea when she saw me wearing out the stress ball she gave me.) I can tell you that after getting B.O.B. home and filling the base with water, I was able to get in touch with negative emotions and painful memories in a cathartic way I never knew possible. It was a fantastic idea and has been worth every single penny. Just make sure you get gloves. I beat the crap out of BOB as I went into a full on vent about my mother. I literally zoned out and pounded BOB mercilessly until my rage dissipated enough to see that it was covered with blood from my knuckles. Let me repeat: get gloves.

Writing out your feelings is also a great idea. That is a way you can vent your thoughts creatively and say what needs to be said when saying what you really want to say to certain people would only cause more harm. Ballpoint pens are good for this as you might start expressing frustration and the pen break. It's good to cover your bases. Plus, you don't want ink to shoot on your shirt because that might cause you to get angry again.  :)


Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you today asking that you reveal the sources of anger inside me. I ask that you would search my heart and soul and see if there is any offensive ways in me and lead me in the way everlasting. I repent of holding onto anger as I acknowledge it as a false source of power and strength. Society tells us the lie that if we are angry, we can get our way. I repent of, reject, and renounce having indulged in angry behaviors and ask that You would refine me and make me like Jesus. In Jesus' holy name I pray, amen.