My Reader’s Digest Great Encyclopedic Dictionary defines “oppress” as, “To burden or keep in subjugation by harsh and unjust use of force or authority; to tyrannize.”
Do you believe in your heart of hearts that you have been oppressed? You might have already made the connection between the words “oppression” and “depression.” They are relative and possess very similar meanings. You may understand that to be de-pressed, you are simultaneously being op-pressed.
Did you know the word ‘retard’ is also relative to one’s experience of depression/oppression? If something is preventing you from expressing your true self, you have been retarded. As I have explained in many articles, literal demons are hounding all human beings. These demons are on assignment from their master (Satan/Lucifer) to control you then defeat you in any way they can. One such way is through the use of oppression.
Oppression is a psychological construct (aka demonic stronghold) whereas a human being/demon would seek to prevent a human being from finding Godly success. Godly success in the Kingdom of Heaven is to have lived in intimate relationship with God and advanced the Gospel so that many would follow you into glory after they have been brought into their own intimate relationship with God.
Usually, there is an element of jealousy involved that causes the oppressor to wish to persecute their victim. Satan doesn’t want humanity to gain what he lost. He and some of the angels in Heaven rebelled against God and the rest of the angels — and lost. What did they lose? They lost their positions in glory and were banished from Heaven.
God made the Universe to create a place to send the banished Lucifer/Satan and his fellow angels who became demons when they lost their Heavenly, glorified bodies. Like Satan and his demons, sinful mankind has fallen from grace in part because the devil and his demons have sought to manipulate the minds of humanity through something I like to call “propaganda”. This propaganda started in the Garden of Eden when “the Serpent” said, “Did God really say…?”
Propaganda is always meant to imprison/control the thoughts and actions of the intended victims. Oppression and propaganda always go hand-in-hand.
“Holding onto painful thoughts or bad memories can cause us to overthink or repeat thoughts or memories thereby holding ourselves hostage. Resentment always looks for ways to pay back others, creating further hurt along the way. It is prevalent in marriages, parents and child relationships, employee and employer, pastor and congregation, and friend to friend. ”
Sometimes we oppress ourselves by holding onto memories of people, places, and things that distract us from difficult present times and even cause us to return to a happier place in our lives. We must acknowledge that the past belongs where it is and we cannot ever make things different, but we have the opportunity to go forward in life making the necessary personal changes to make our lives so much better that we stop pining for the past and we learn to remain present in the here and now.
In many mainstream notions, when people talk about oppression, it comes bearing a political purpose and bias. I can honestly say I’ve never known a single event when the concept of oppression didn’t have an ulterior motive attached to it. This is a common device of the devil because he loves to disguise his intentions so those without spiritual discernment have no means of resistance. However, there are those of us who possess the wisdom, understanding, and discernment to identify his devices and we often get labeled names like ‘racist,’ ‘hater,’ or even worse by the propagandists. Christians are to spiritually discern when something is true or not, live according to Kingdom principles, and help others do the same.
“Sometimes it’s best to not get involved,” many people will say, but that is an oppressive statement. Think about it. When you have a fire in your belly and someone tries to tell you to not get involved? That would be incredibly frustrating, but millions of people exist bound in the cords of oppression and frustration instead of free and empowered to be our brother’s keepers — to give others a fighting chance to come out from under the devil’s thumb.
Consider this: the desire to help others is usually not manifested in many peoples’ lives. Why? You got it.
It’s high time we understand who we are and what the devil is trying to do — OPPRESS us. In a free country, you’re only as oppressed as you think you are. Did you catch that?
You can be a slave in body, but a free man or woman in the spirit. I realize there are some places in the world where physical oppression is an everyday reality. I applaud and honor the people who strive for equality in lands where they are treated like second class citizens or persecuted for their faith. These are places where the devil has taken up a large segment of the population and propagandized people to treat others shamefully and with prejudice. Prayer and fasting are the keys to breaking those strongholds.
God has plans for our lives and Satan wants to foil those plans (oppress) and convince us God’s will is not the best for us (propaganda), but we know God’s will for us is what is truly blessed. We do not have to live oppressed in our minds — ever. You can, and must, gain this freedom from oppression and depression through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!
My Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your ‘kindness that has led me to repentance,’ as Your Word says. My Lord, I’ve been oppressed and I am done with it. I refuse to be oppressed any longer. I come before You today in search of healing and deliverance from the spirit of oppression. Jesus said, “If you seek, you shall find,” and I’m expecting to find a breakthrough. I don’t care where this spirit came from or where it thought it was taking me, but I come against the spirit of oppression in Jesus’ name. I bind it and cast it into the pit of Hell in Jesus’ name. I also ask that You would forgive me for anything I’ve done to bring it on me and anything I’ve ever done to oppress anyone else. Please forgive me, Lord, for not having lived to the standards of Heaven. Please help me do so. Free me from all bondage and oppression in my mind and body, as well, in Jesus’ name. I ask that You would shine Your glory light into my heart and reveal the deep, dark things that have held me back. Grant me a fresh Holy Spirit anointing, as well. In Jesus’ name, amen!
Banner photo by Markus Spiske