Have you ever heard or said yourself, "I hate school"?
Learning is often a process because we don't always have all the information we need at hand, but many times we learn something, it's because of something powerful like an epiphany or Theophany. We have to acknowledge that if we sought to not learn because we hated school or because we thought we weren't good at it, we miss the point of learning. Learning helps us become the person God made us to be and there is no true fulfillment in life outside of God's perfect will for us. Why is that? "Fulfillment" is defined as, "
the achievement of something desired, promised, or predicted." These things that are "desired, promised, or predicted" are what God has intended for us to do in our lifetime. God desires an intimate relationship with us all and, far too often, faulty ideas or poor understanding of the spirit realm cause us to push God away in the times when we should be crying out to Him for help and receiving His grace, mercy, and love.
Learning is not a "lifetime process," it IS life. Sometimes we are put in situations we are not prepared for.
Sometimes, we don't know enough about ourselves, so we get depressed or even have really bad thoughts about how our lives should go simply because we don't know who we really are -- who God made us to be. Understand this: you are an awesome person even when you don't feel like it. When we are moody, bummed out, or even severely depressed, there is a real person inside us who is screaming to be let out. The question is: 'why is the real person having to scream at all instead of being free to fulfill God's plans?'
In my earlier posts, you have read about inner conflicts and demons that cause us to reject our true selves and decide we are who the enemy (Satan) says we are instead of God. Imagine a life where somebody rejects everything God made them to be and agrees with everything Satan wants them to be. Horrific, right? That is horrific even by degrees and, yet, there are billions of people walking around totally lost on who God made them to be. If you currently feel this way, you are not alone.
The key to "Learning is Life" is releasing the false expectations that you need to perform a pre-determined way to prove yourself worthy of some person's pre-conceived notions on what qualifies a person as wise or intelligent. No wonder we have gotten so frustrated at the educational system! It's set up for some to succeed and some to fail -- with most people landing somewhere in between! Well, that sounds like life to me! The world's system of hierarchies, intimidation (bullying), materialism, and the promotion of unverifiable scientific lies is diametrically opposed to God's will for us. It is critically important that we understand how the world works, so we can operate within it, but we Christians are not to replicate the world's system in our lives. When we are grieved in our souls over the state of the world and we do those same things in our own lives, how could we not also be grieved over our own souls? Be assured of this: hypocrisy brings about grief for all involved.
“This cosmos (Satan’s world system) has its own entertainment and diversions that so permeate the atmosphere that it makes the way of the cross seem antiquated and irrelevant. In much of the entertainment media fostered by the cosmos, the name of God is profaned, sex is glamorized, and high, ethical living and Christian moral standards are laughed at.
Even many Christians are tricked into believing that they cannot enjoy life except as a member of the cosmos crowd. However, the happiest people I know are separated followers of Jesus Christ.”
When we are grieved in our souls over the state of the world and we do those same things in our own lives, how could we not also be grieved over our own souls? Be assured of this: hypocrisy brings about grief for all involved.
Continue to devote yourself to learning what God wants for you, desires to see in you, and enjoy each day as more revelations arrive and you draw closer to God, and you gain more strength as you experience greater levels of inner healing. Listen to your cries. Heed them. Don't accept being anxious let alone being depressed, but in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving present your requests before God.
Father God, You alone are God. You are completely capable of teaching me in ways so I can learn best. Show me how the world truly works and my place in it. Help me to enjoy learning! I understand now that life is learning and learning is life.
I have been outside Your perfect will for far too long. I want to help others in the way You help me. Empower me to go where You call me to go. Provide for my every need according to You riches in glory in Christ Jesus. "If it's Your will, it's Your bill." You brought me this far and I know you will continue to bring about new levels of holiness within me as I draw nearer to You. Please help me face who I really am and be totally okay with me.
Thank You, Lord, for always hearing my prayers and remaining involved in my daily affairs. In Jesus' awesome name I pray, amen.