Created to Solve a Problem

Did you know you are the answer to at least one of the world's problems? You may be thinking, "I need help, so who can I help?" or "I've caused so many problems, how could I possibly be the answer?" Follow me.

Did you know the devil is behind every single one of mankind's problems? Remember how, in the Garden of Eden, God concluded that His Creation was "very good"? There was no sin at all in creation until Adam and Eve rebelled against God (sinned, aka The Fall of Man). In other words, all the problems in the world are caused by sin. The intriguing thing I have discovered in my years as a pastor is this: many people really don't understand what sin is! Sin is anything we do when we rebel against God's will for our lives.

Another thing most people don't know is what is God's will. Suffice it to say that many people have no idea of what God's will is for their lives and many people think that whatever happens is God's will. Nothing could be further from the truth! Yes, God could do whatever He wants, but He has entrusted mankind with dominion over the Earth. God is a "gentleman" if you will, so He does not go where He is not wanted; though He is everywhere (omnipresent), He obviously does not manifest His presence continuously. God's will is clearly not always done as evidenced in our daily lives and on the daily news. The First Commandment of the Ten Commandments is, "You shall not have other gods before me." How, then, could God's will be that there are people worshiping other gods to this day? Heck, there are people who believe all religions worship the same god! Few things could be further from the truth.

Satan does NOT want you to fulfill God's will for your life. He would much rather you serve him than serve God. Sin is Satan's way to get you off track. He wants you to agree with him that his will is more fulfilling and enjoyable than God's will. Satan also wants to permanently get you so off track that you arrive at a place where you are so opposed to God or so drowned in powerlessness, fear, and anger that you have no strength to step out for God. You may have even had a thought come to mind such as, 'If you step out for God, I'll kill you." You can know for certain that was the voice of Satan (or a demon) telling you that.

Here's the deal: if you continue in your deliberate sins, be assured God will not be willing to help you as you would like. God's will does not include open rebellion toward Him! You must repent of your sins. Confess, repent of, reject, and renounce all sinful activity and their cumulative rewards you have received, and God will respond to you. Once you "clear the closet" of hidden sins, God will now have places to bless you. If your hand is tightly closed in covering a sin, you cannot receive a blessing into that same hand. Get rid of what's in your hand and God will give you what's in His.

If you want to know God's will for your life, you will want to spend time in the Word, prayer, and, if you are strong enough,* in fasting. Nothing breaks the power of sin over a person's life like a fast. One of the most powerful fasts I've done was the first Daniel fast. It permanently changed my overall diet and spiritual well-being. I did not eat many fruits and vegetables prior to it, but when that's all you are able to eat for three weeks, you will find a way to enjoy them! That opened the door for the humility and discipline I needed to truly dig in my spiritual heels and start attacking the enemy. You want to talk about getting a breakthrough? That sure got me a big one!

Starting right now, dedicate yourself to your relationship with God and you will be absolutely awed by what God will reveal. He will reveal His will for your life and you will discover the problem you were created to solve.

The world needs more problem solvers. It needs heroes. It needs you!

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Dear Heavenly Father, You are the Almighty God and I want to know what problem You created me to solve. I am tired of being a problem and I now want to go and use the talents you have given me to help others and to make an eternal impact in the lives of others. I ask that You would grant me the wisdom to know when and how to fast so I can gain the breakthrough I need. Strengthen me so I can do what You ask of me daily and reveal Your love for me so I can do the same for others. Help me to know how to resist the devil so he will flee from me so I can be, and remain, aware of this schemes against me. I declare today I am an overcomer and am the answer to one of mankind's problems. In Jesus' holy name I pray, amen.

* Only engage in a fast (deliberately not eating certain foods) if you are strong enough. If you are not eating well or on medication, you will want to consult with God in prayer or your doctor/psychiatrist (depending on where you are in your journey) before you start any type of fast.