All or Nothing

All or nothing. Boom or bust. Right or wrong. Black or white. Many people with depression seem to have two files for all their intake of information: "My Way" or "The Highway". 

Sometimes, this is summed up in a statement, "I'd like _____ if it weren't for _____________". For example, somebody might say, "I'd like the Patriots if it weren't for the cheating," or "I'd like legal work if it weren't for the corrupt legal system." Everybody is searching for something to put their faith in, but there are always going to be reasons to not fully engage. 

The secular world tells us, "You are the one who decides what's right or wrong for you." If I'm the one who's decided what I really am, why was I born instead of making myself? No, we are all made by God (Yahweh) and He is the One who knows why He made us and why. If we get to know Him, He will allow us to learn who we are in relation to who He is. Our mind is NOT the center of our own universe. Quite the opposite! We all occupy the same space and are meant to find value in others as we have found inherent value in ourselves. The problem is the vast majority of people never find value in and of themselves, so they seek it in other people, things, and experiences. This is the number one reason why people have anxiety -- because we have not found our value in something/Someone absolute, immovable, and unshakable. The Truth is absolute and we must root ourselves in Him

An "all or nothing" mentality does not benefit anybody. It is a gross exaggeration and over generalization. You will always find reasons to feel one way or another, but it's most important that we get away from an 'all in' or 'all out' ideology. We must accept people for who they are and where they are (in their minds), not where we'd like them to be -- including ourselves. We must display the Godly character of patience with all people -- including ourselves. We must give the grace of God to all people -- including ourselves.


Christians (all people should, really) must possess an all-inclusive way of life. We are to be willing to include people from all walks of life into our lives as God allows. I'm not saying we must welcome everybody into our houses to live with us, but only those God has expressly commanded. Jesus was not exclusive at all. He allowed all people to come to Him. Jesus must always be our role model; our example of how to live. Think about things this way: Heaven is all-inclusive, but exclusive. All humanity is given the same invitation, but only those who accept the invitation* (everyone in the Blood Covenant in Jesus) will get in, but once you're there, it contains more than you could ever ask or imagine

We are all in process, we just need to remain surrendered to it. Sanctification is a process and it can be accelerated by a heart that truly hungers and thirsts for righteousness, but regardless of the amount of time involved, we will always be in process until the day we get our glorified bodies in Heaven. 

Heck, isn't it cool to watch a dog stick it's head out a truck's window and see his mouth flap in the wind? He's both in and out. Humanity simply finds itself there. Learn to enjoy the ride ... 'cause we're 'all in' the same truck. :D 


Father God, I thank You for the Truth in my life. I thank You that I have access to Godly wisdom and the Bible via the internet. Thank You for life; even though it may be less than Your best right now, I know You have me right where I need to be. Guide me into every right relationship by Your Holy Spirit. I confess I have thought of things in an all-or-nothing sort of way and I hand that mentality over to You, Lord Jesus. I loose my current way of thinking from the world's way of living and now bind my mind to Yours, Lord Jesus. Transform me! Mold me! Break my heart for what breaks Yours. Mend me. Help me to receive all You have for me as I grow in my relationship with You. Be glorified in all I do, my Lord!

In Jesus' name, amen.

* Those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior; aka Everyone in the Blood Covenant in Jesus

Thank you to Connor Limbocker for the use of the photo of the dog hanging out the window.

Thank you to Alaska Computer Support for the use of the 'all-inclusive' logo.