I asked this question during three consecutive Friday night services one time. Three consecutive services. I asked this same question and got the same response: silence. You would say, 'you could hear a pin drop.'
* Special thanks to Jason Shelton for the movie clip.
Most people want the same things, really: peace, to be loved and appreciated, respected, experience pleasure, shelter, food, clothing, etc.. But then there are some people who want more than that -- they want to be adored by throngs of people, have money to buy anything they could ever want, the power to do anything they want, and the best addresses and the best of transportation. But what about you?
“When you don’t know what you want, you won’t know what to do.”
What do you want? Is it what God wants for you? Is what you want necessary to the fulfillment of God's plans for your life? Many times when I have asked people this question, just between the two of us, they will say, "Whatever God wants for me," or "Whatever God wants me to do." But God is asking YOU. This happens a lot when it comes to going out to dinner: 'What do you want to eat?' 'I dunno, what do you want?' and around and around we go until somebody emphatically exclaims something -- with aplomb. Don't let that happen in your life. If you're going to be a leader and a difference-maker*, then you're going to have to start making executive decisions.
The trouble and the problem is this: most people have NO IDEA as to what they really want beyond the basics. They live uninspired, and uninspiring, lives such that the world would not watch even if it was on "reality TV." Survivor is still going strong many years after its first launch. Why? Because there is always drama and, most importantly, there are CLEAR GOALS -- on every single episode.
Why are sports so popular? Because there are clear goals and everyone on the field, court, and ice are competing for the same things. Heck, some sports even call their successful achievements 'goals'! However, you can't have a goal unless you first know what you want!
When you figure out what you want, you have to ask: is it a desire? An obsession? A holy desire? There are things that might frustrate you because you might want something(s) you know God does not want for you.
Most people are shocked when they learn Jesus (and Peter) walked on water. That's an awesome miracle, right? However, Jesus wanted to reveal something about Himself to His guys -- that He was God and that, as Peter learned, with God all things are possible.
Would you, dear reader, list "Freedom from depression" as what you want the most? I know back when I was in my darkest, most anguish-filled days, I would simply cry out like the man from the Gerasenes tombs as I rolled around on the floor begging for God to help me. What do you think I wanted more than anything I'd ever wanted before? Yep. FREEDOM from the demons. I used to see demonic images in tiles, wood grain, and in toilet bubbles. I wanted to be free! I was afflicted and oppressed in a way I hope you never have! Now that I'm free, I find it easy to do more for others and to care for them because I know God's word is true and He has my back.
But what about when you are free? What will you want then?
What do you want?
Take a moment right now and pray and ask God what He wants for you. Then ask Him for those things to come to fruition. Write down what you learn and pray over that list until everything on the list comes to fruition. (At this stage, just brainstorm. Just write out a list and don't check it twice. Just write out everything; even what's naughty and nice.)
Oh, and one more thing ... you're going to have to GO AFTER those things.
Life change!
Dear Father in Heaven. Hallowed be Your name. You make me holy by the blood of Your Son, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus!
I have a list of things and I'd like to run it by You. (Do so now.)
You have asked me, through Your servant, 'what do I want' and I'm suddenly aware of things I had never thought about. I ask that You would reveal even more to me and that You would let me know what are necessary for my life and what are not. I recognize there are Christians who You want to live in expensive neighborhoods and have nice things to reach the wealthy and I also recognize there are Christians who do not have much, but are right where You have called them to be so they can reach the people You have called them to reach. Help me to find contentment in what I have so I can focus on what You want me to do, not on what I have. I also recognize that what I have and where I live does not determine if You love me or my worth as an individual. I am loved by You simply because You love me. That can be difficult to understand considering all things right now, but I ask You to help me out of this quagmire of depression and into the light of Your glory and grace. In Jesus' mighty name, amen!
* Every Christian is called to lead people in some fashion. If you know the truth, and billions of people do not, you must become a leader.