“Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.”
Even though many people are credited with having said this, the message is clear: be nobody other than the person God created you to be. Maybe your life hasn't turned out like you had hoped or desired, but here you are. You have a chance to make a fresh start. How you see yourself has everything to do with how your life will turn out and what dreams you will, or will not, accomplish.
“This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Farewell, my blessing season this in thee!”
From what I've witnessed throughout my life, I have plainly seen how people struggle with the ideas and notions of just who they are. Maybe the real issue is the question of ... WHAT am I? One day, out ministering on the street, one of my fellow pastors tells me this short story about how he approached a man strung out on drugs. After being plied with the truth that God loves him, the man replies, "God made me a crack addict."
We've all been there. We've all heard somebody spout off about how God did them wrong. God has done nobody wrong ... ever. Let's just get that out of the way. God gave us life. He gave us a body. He gave us abilities. He gave us purpose. He gives us opportunities. He gave us Free Will. He gave us the ability to know right from wrong and even the choice to be loyal to Him or to the devil! Who else would do that?! Nobody! God is nobody's enemy. People make themselves an enemy, but He makes nobody His. They decide to oppose Him for some ungodly reason. It's called Free Will.
"God made me a crack addict," is one of those statements that causes us to wince, shake our head, and chuckle in complete disbelief that someone would not only think such a preposterous load of crap, but to actually verbalize it with a deep conviction in a manner a CEO might deliver a State of the Company address. This junkie meant it and he believed he had the truth to back him up! The devil is a liar. He is The Deceiver. He is the Accuser of the Brethren. If you aren't being attacked by the enemy in some fashion, you are no threat to him ... which means he already owns you. If you are being afflicted with depression, know for sure he and his demons are attacking your mind. But Jesus gains us the victory! (Call on Jesus to free you from emotional torment and He will let you know what is causing it, bring you to a place of healing, and free you. Remember to thank Him for what He has done [praise Him] when you are free.)
My wife and I were heading to the airport one day and, in the midst of traffic, had a golden opportunity to speak life into a homeless man's life. He was holding onto a cardboard sign, dangled at the knee. I couldn't read it, and it really wouldn't have changed what I said anyway. The Lord gave me something to tell him ... "Go after your dream." He said he didn't have one. I responded, "Yes, you do. It's deep inside you. You've been keeping it hidden."
The main reason people don't know who they really are is because, from when they were kids, they have not been affirmed in such a way so as to encourage them to pursue their dreams. God has placed our futures in our spirits. The truth is within us. We simply need to agree with God that what He says is right and what the devil says is wrong. The devil wants to convince us we are crack addicts, drunks, lazy bums, ne'er-do-wells, and the like. Don't let the devil steal your dreams any longer. God gave us all a purpose for our lives. There are things that will never happen unless we get up, get going, and do them. Don't ever let it be said of you that you didn't think you could do it. If you don't try, you are correct.
Let God show you who He made you to be. Give Him the honor and privilege of a two-way relationship with you. Be a blessing to others so you can be a benefit to society. Be the change you wish to see in the world!
Lord God, sometimes I can't find the words to express what I mean to say, but I know You know what I mean. By praying in the Spirit, You give me utterance to express myself in ways that groans, sobbing, and words in my native tongue cannot express. Show me how to do better. Strengthen me, inspire me, help me to see the point in my current struggles. Help me fight the good fight!
I choose today to reject all false ideas of who I am to hold me back from accomplishing all You have for me to accomplish. I repent of, renounce, and reject all lies the enemy of my soul has spoken into my life through his demons or though human beings and I receive Your truth into my heart to replace the lies. Please show me who I am and reveal Yourself to me. I realize if I know You better, I will grow into maturity by Your Holy Spirit. Lead me in the Way everlasting, my Lord and my God. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.
* Many people have spoken this quote and been credited with it, but many variations of it have arisen, as well.
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